iCalendar Specification Excerpts

These are excerpts from RFC 2445 iCalendar specification, sections 4.2 Property Parameters, 4.3 Property Value Data Types, 4.6 Calendar Components, 4.7 Calendar Properties and 4.8 Component Properties. Each subsection corresponds one XHTML file with cross reference hyperlinks.

Property Parameters

altrep | cn | cutype | delegated-from | delegated-to | dir | encoding | fmttype | fbtype | language | member | partstat | range | related | reltype | role | rsvp | sent-by | tzid | value

Property Value Data Types

binary | boolean | cal-address | date | date-time | duration | float | integer | period | recur | text | time | uri | utc-offset

Calendar Components

vevent | vtodo | vjournal | vfreebusy | vtimezone | valarm


Calendar Properties

calscale | method | prodid | version

Descriptive Component Properties

attach | categories | class | comment | description | geo | location | percent-complete | priority | resources | status | summary

Date and Time Component Properties

completed | dtend | due | dtstart | duration | freebusy | transp

Time Zone Component Properties

tzid | tzname | tzoffsetfrom | tzoffsetto | tzurl

Relationship Component Properties

attendee | contact | organizer | recurrence-id | related-to | url | uid

Recurrence Component Properties

exdate | exrule | rdate | rrule

Alarm Component Properties

action | repeat | trigger

Change Management Component Properties

created | dtstamp | last-modified | sequence