4.3.1 Binary
Basic Definition | Formal Definition | Description| Example
Basic Definition
- Value Name
- Purpose
- This value type is used to identify properties that contain a character encoding of inline binary data. For example, an inline attachment of an object code might be included in an iCalendar object.
Formal Definition
The value type is defined by the following notation: binary = *(4b-char) [b-end] ; A "BASE64" encoded character string, as defined by [RFC 2045]. b-end = (2b-char "==") / (3b-char "=") b-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
Property values with this value type MUST also include the inline encoding parameter sequence of ";ENCODING=BASE64". That is, all inline binary data MUST first be character encoded using the "BASE64" encoding method defined in [RFC 2045]. No additional content value encoding (i.e., BACKSLASH character encoding) is defined for this value type.
The following is an abridged example of a "BASE64" encoded binary value data. ATTACH;VALUE=BINARY;ENCODING=BASE64:MIICajCCAdOgAwIBAgICBEUwDQY JKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlI ENvbW11bmljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZv <...remainder of "BASE64" encoded binary data...>