4.2.12 Participation Status

Basic Definition | Description| | Example

Basic Definition

Parameter Name
To specify the participation status for the calendar user specified by the property.

Format Definition

The property parameter is defined by the following

  partstatparam      = "PARTSTAT" "="
                      ("NEEDS-ACTION"        ; Event needs action
                     / "ACCEPTED"            ; Event accepted
                     / "DECLINED"            ; Event declined
                     / "TENTATIVE"           ; Event tentatively
                                             ; accepted
                     / "DELEGATED"           ; Event delegated
                     / x-name                ; Experimental status
                     / iana-token)           ; Other IANA registered
                                             ; status
  ; These are the participation statuses for a "VEVENT". Default is
  partstatparam      /= "PARTSTAT" "="
                      ("NEEDS-ACTION"        ; To-do needs action
                     / "ACCEPTED"            ; To-do accepted
                     / "DECLINED"            ; To-do declined
                     / "TENTATIVE"           ; To-do tentatively
                                             ; accepted
                     / "DELEGATED"           ; To-do delegated
                     / "COMPLETED"           ; To-do completed.
                                             ; COMPLETED property has
                                             ;date/time completed.
                     / "IN-PROCESS"          ; To-do in process of
                                             ; being completed
                     / x-name                ; Experimental status
                     / iana-token)           ; Other IANA registered
                                             ; status
  ; These are the participation statuses for a "VTODO". Default is

  partstatparam      /= "PARTSTAT" "="
                      ("NEEDS-ACTION"        ; Journal needs action
                     / "ACCEPTED"            ; Journal accepted
                     / "DECLINED"            ; Journal declined
                     / x-name                ; Experimental status
                     / iana-token)           ; Other IANA registered
                                             ; status
  ; These are the participation statuses for a "VJOURNAL". Default is


This parameter can be specified on properties with a CAL-ADDRESS value type. The parameter identifies the participation status for the calendar user specified by the property value. The parameter values differ depending on whether they are associated with a group scheduled "VEVENT", "VTODO" or "VJOURNAL". The values MUST match one of the values allowed for the given calendar component. If not specified on a property that allows this parameter, the default value is NEEDS-ACTION.
