4.6.1 Event Component
Basic Definition | Format Definition | Description| Example
Basic Definition
- Component Name
- Purpose
- Provide a grouping of component properties that describe an event.
Format Definition
A "VEVENT" calendar component is defined by the following notation: eventc = "BEGIN" ":" "VEVENT" CRLF eventprop *alarmc "END" ":" "VEVENT" CRLF eventprop = *( ; the following are optional, ; but MUST NOT occur more than once class / created / description / dtstart / geo / last-mod / location / organizer / priority / dtstamp / seq / status / summary / transp / uid / url / recurid / ; either 'dtend' or 'duration' may appear in ; a 'eventprop', but 'dtend' and 'duration' ; MUST NOT occur in the same 'eventprop' dtend / duration / ; the following are optional, ; and MAY occur more than once attach / attendee / categories / comment / contact / exdate / exrule / rstatus / related / resources / rdate / rrule / x-prop )
A "VEVENT" calendar component is a grouping of component properties, and possibly including "VALARM" calendar components, that represents a scheduled amount of time on a calendar. For example, it can be an activity; such as a one-hour long, department meeting from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM, tomorrow. Generally, an event will take up time on an individual calendar. Hence, the event will appear as an opaque interval in a search for busy time. Alternately, the event can have its Time Transparency set to "TRANSPARENT" in order to prevent blocking of the event in searches for busy time.
The "VEVENT" is also the calendar component used to specify an anniversary or daily reminder within a calendar. These events have a DATE value type for the "DTSTART" property instead of the default data type of DATE-TIME. If such a "VEVENT" has a "DTEND" property, it MUST be specified as a DATE value also. The anniversary type of "VEVENT" can span more than one date (i.e, "DTEND" property value is set to a calendar date after the "DTSTART" property value).
The "DTSTART" property for a "VEVENT" specifies the inclusive start of the event. For recurring events, it also specifies the very first instance in the recurrence set. The "DTEND" property for a "VEVENT" calendar component specifies the non-inclusive end of the event. For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component specifies a "DTSTART" property with a DATE data type but no "DTEND" property, the events non-inclusive end is the end of the calendar date specified by the "DTSTART" property. For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component specifies a "DTSTART" property with a DATE-TIME data type but no "DTEND" property, the event ends on the same calendar date and time of day specified by the "DTSTART" property. The "VEVENT" calendar component cannot be nested within another calendar component. However, "VEVENT" calendar components can be related to each other or to a "VTODO" or to a "VJOURNAL" calendar component with the "RELATED-TO" property.
The following is an example of the "VEVENT" calendar component used to represent a meeting that will also be opaque to searches for busy time: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:19970901T130000Z-123401@host.com DTSTAMP:19970901T1300Z DTSTART:19970903T163000Z DTEND:19970903T190000Z SUMMARY:Annual Employee Review CLASS:PRIVATE CATEGORIES:BUSINESS,HUMAN RESOURCES END:VEVENT The following is an example of the "VEVENT" calendar component used to represent a reminder that will not be opaque, but rather transparent, to searches for busy time: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:19970901T130000Z-123402@host.com DTSTAMP:19970901T1300Z DTSTART:19970401T163000Z DTEND:19970402T010000Z SUMMARY:Laurel is in sensitivity awareness class. CLASS:PUBLIC CATEGORIES:BUSINESS,HUMAN RESOURCES TRANSP:TRANSPARENT END:VEVENT The following is an example of the "VEVENT" calendar component used to represent an anniversary that will occur annually. Since it takes up no time, it will not appear as opaque in a search for busy time; no matter what the value of the "TRANSP" property indicates: BEGIN:VEVENT UID:19970901T130000Z-123403@host.com DTSTAMP:19970901T1300Z DTSTART:19971102 SUMMARY:Our Blissful Anniversary CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL CATEGORIES:ANNIVERSARY,PERSONAL,SPECIAL OCCASION RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY END:VEVENT