The rise of the Atlantic economy and the North S... - Japan Search model RDF

(There is only one resource "The rise of the Atlantic economy and... (図書)" with description graph. Other 7 resources are in nested tables, or just refer to the source resource and have no own description)

The rise of the Atlantic economy and the North Sea/Baltic trade,...

description of
rdfs:label"The rise of the Atlantic economy and the North Sea/Baltic trade, 1500-1800 : proceedings of the XVth World Economic History Congress (Utrecht, Netherlands 2009)...(more)"
schema:name"The rise of the Atlantic economy and the North Sea/Baltic trade, 1500-1800 : proceedings of the XVth World Economic History Congress (Utrecht, Netherlands 2009)...(more)"
ns0:agential 2_:vb4098848 (an orphan bnode)
ns0:agential_:vb4098847 (an orphan bnode)
ns0:spatial_:vb4098849 (an orphan bnode)
ns0:temporal_:vb4098850 (an orphan bnode)
schema:about<> ( "各地域の経済史・事情--ヨーロッパ--近代")
schema:contributor<üller,PhilippRobinsonRö-g358841712> ( "Leos Müller, Philipp Robinson Rössner, Toshiaki Tamaki (ed.)")
schema:description 4"書誌ID: 023171870"
schema:description"数量・大きさ等: 156 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm"
schema:description"著者: edited by Leos Müller, Philipp Robinson Rössner, Toshiaki Tamaki"
schema:description"シリーズタイトル: Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte ; Nr. 117"
schema:inLanguage<> ( "英語")
schema:publisher<> ( "Franz Steiner Verlag")
schema:temporal<> ( "2011年")
29 triples ()
29 triples