Republic of the Union of Myanmar collaboration p... - Japan Search model RDF

(There is only one resource "Republic of the Union of Myanmar col... (図書)" with description graph. Other 6 resources are in nested tables, or just refer to the source resource and have no own description)

Republic of the Union of Myanmar collaboration program with the ...

description of
rdfs:label"Republic of the Union of Myanmar collaboration program with the private sector for disseminating Japanese technology for traffic flow simulation technology and other ITS technologies for road planning in Yangon : final report...(more)"
schema:name"Republic of the Union of Myanmar collaboration program with the private sector for disseminating Japanese technology for traffic flow simulation technology and other ITS technologies for road planning in Yangon : final report...(more)"
ns0:agential_:vb4131940 (an orphan bnode)
ns0:spatial_:vb4131941 (an orphan bnode)
ns0:temporal_:vb4131942 (an orphan bnode)
schema:about<> ( "国際経済--経済協力,経済援助--経済協力体制,経済協力機構--日本--協力機関による援助")
schema:description 2"書誌ID: 027957756"
schema:description"数量・大きさ等: 35p ; 30cm"
schema:inLanguage<> ( "英語")
schema:temporal<> ( "2015年")
22 triples ()
22 triples