吉田兼敦 - Japan Search model RDF

(There is only one resource "吉田兼敦 (Agent)" with description graph. Other 8 resources are in nested tables, or just refer to the source resource and have no own description)


description of https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/chname/吉田兼敦
rdf:type 2<https://jpsearch.go.jp/term/type/Agent>
schema:name 5"Yoshida, Kaneatsu" @en
schema:name"吉田兼敦" @ja
schema:name"卜部兼敦朝臣" @ja
schema:name"ヨシダ カネアツ" @ja-kana
schema:name"よしだ かねあつ" @ja-hira
rdfs:isDefinedBy<https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/chname/> ( "chname namespace")
schema:birthDate<https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/time/1368> ( "1368年")
schema:deathDate<https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/time/1408> ( "1408年")
schema:description"1368-1408, 南北朝時代~室町時代の神職、歌人。吉田兼熈の子。神号は神烈霊神。官位は正四位下・神祇大副。『神道大意』『三種神器伝』『兼敦朝臣記』『吉田家日次記』ほか著。勅撰集『新続古今和歌集』に1首入集"
19 triples ()

This resource "吉田兼敦" is, in addition, simply-referenced by the following URIs. (The next table describes reverse link where the right and left columns represent the subject and the predicate respectively and whose object is this resource, in the source. These subjects have no other attribute in this source.)

Simply-referenced https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/chname/吉田兼敦
is schema:creator of 2<https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/work/吉田家日次記>
is schema:creator of<https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/work/兼敦朝臣記>
2 triples ()
21 triples