Sword-Hilt Collar and Pommel (Fuchigashira) - Japan Search model RDF

(There is only one resource "Sword-Hilt Collar and Pommel (Fuchig... (刀剣)" with description graph. Other 2 resources are in nested tables, or just refer to the source resource and have no own description)

Sword-Hilt Collar and Pommel (Fuchigashira)

description of http://purl.org/net/ld/jpsearch/data/metmuseum-29634
rdfs:label"Sword-Hilt Collar and Pommel (Fuchigashira)"
schema:name"Sword-Hilt Collar and Pommel (Fuchigashira)" @en
ns0:temporal_:vb10210498 (an orphan bnode)
schema:description 9"Classification: Sword Furniture-Fuchi-Kashira"
schema:description"Object Name: Sword-hilt collar and pommel (Fuchigashira)"
schema:description"Medium: Iron, silver, gold"
schema:description"Culture: Japanese"
schema:description"Object ID: 29634"
schema:description"Department: Arms and Armor"
schema:description"Credit Line: The Howard Mansfield Collection, Gift of Howard Mansfield, 1936"
schema:description"Is Public Domain: False"
schema:description"Dimensions: Fuchi (a); H. 1 1/2 in. (3.8 cm); Wt. 0.6 oz. (17 g); kashira (b); H. 1 7/16 in. (3.7 cm); Wt. 0.4 oz. (11.3 g); kojiri (c); H. 1 7/16 in. (3.7 cm); D. 3/4 in. (1.9 cm); Wt. 0.7 oz. (19.8 g)...(more)"
rdfs:label 2"19世紀"
20 triples ()
20 triples