schema:description 17 | "内容細目: The DPRK economic crisis and the ROK security dilemma/by Suk Lee" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Korean security: A policy primer/by Hazel Smith" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Korean security dilemmas: A Russian perspective/by Georgy Bulychev" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Food security/by Hazel Smith" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Economic security in the DPRK/by Bradley O. Babson" |
schema:description | "内容細目: The preconditions for Korean security/by Selig S. Harrison" |
schema:description | "大きさ、容量等: 296 p. ; 24 cm" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Japan and North Korea/by Gavan MaCormack" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Korean security dilemmas: European Union policies/by Maria Castillo Fernandez" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Living with ambiguity/by Gary Samore, Adam Ward" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Korean security dilemmas: ASEAN policies and perspective/by John D. Ciorciari" |
schema:description | "資料種別: 図書" |
schema:description | "注記: Includes bibliographical references" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Creating Korean insecurity/by Bruce Cumings" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Reconstituting Korean security dilemmas/by Hazel Smith" |
schema:description | "著者: edited by Hazel Smith" |
schema:description | "内容細目: Korean security dilemmas: Chinese policies/by Ren Xiao" |