rdf:type | <https://jpsearch.go.jp/term/type/図書> |
rdfs:label | "南伊豆海岸に見られる土地隆起の跡に就いて" |
schema:name 3 | "Minamiizu kaigan ni mirareru tochi ryuuki no ato ni tsuite" @en-jp |
schema:name | "南伊豆海岸に見られる土地隆起の跡に就いて" @ja |
schema:name | "ミナミイズ カイガン ニ ミラレル トチ リュウキ ノ アト ニ ツイテ" @ja-kana |
ns0:accessInfo | #accessinfo |
ns0:agential 2 | _:vb11221380 (an orphan bnode) |
ns0:agential | _:vb11221381 (an orphan bnode) |
ns0:sourceInfo | #sourceinfo |
ns0:spatial | _:vb11221382 (an orphan bnode) |
ns0:temporal | _:vb11221383 (an orphan bnode) |
schema:about | <http://jla.or.jp/data/ndc#454> (➜ "地形学") |
schema:creator | <https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/ncname/福富孝治_1908-> (➜ "福富, 孝治, 1908-") |
schema:datePublished | "1936" |
schema:description 3 | "大きさ、容量等: 351-355p ; 23cm" |
schema:description | "資料種別: 図書" |
schema:description | "注記: 「地震」第6巻第7号別刷" |
schema:identifier 2 | "DOI:10.11501/1232014" |
schema:identifier | "info:ndljp/pid/1232014" |
schema:inLanguage | <http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/jpn> (➜ "日本語") |
schema:publisher | <https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/ncname/地震学会> |
schema:spatial | <https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/place/東京> (➜ "東京都") |
schema:temporal | <https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/time/1936> (➜ "1936年") |
This resource "南伊豆海岸に見られる土地隆起の跡に就いて" is, in addition, simply-referenced by the following URIs. (The next table describes reverse link where the right and left columns represent the subject and the predicate respectively and whose object is this resource, in the source. These subjects have no other attribute in this source.)
is rdfs:seeAlso of | <https://jpsearch.go.jp/data/bibnl-46074257#accessinfo> |