schema:description 2 | "内容記述: Scenario: From fossil fuels to solar power: transforming the global economy: The power of the pyromaniacs; Fossil resource dependency: how economic processes have come adrift from their environmental and solar policy; Global competition in place of global environmental policy; The origins of the fossil-fuel economy; Accelerating change and global displacement; Business unbound: cutting loose from nature and society; Reconnecting business and society through solar resources; From the political to the economic solar manifesto. PART I: CAPTIVITY OR LIBERATION: FOSSIL FUEL AND SOLAR SUPPLY CHAINS COMPARED: Chapter I. Ensnared by fossil supply chains: Long supply chains due to limited resources: the logic of globalization; Fossil recourse supply chains and industrial concentration: market destruction through market mechanisms; The spider in the web: the growing influence of Big Energy and Big Mining; The convergence of power: networking, supercartels and the disempowerment of democratic institutions. Chapter 2. Exploiting solar resources: the new political and economic freedom: The solar supply chain; The economic logic of the solar energy supply chain; Solar power: technology without technocracy. Part II. THE PATHOLOGICAL POLITICS OF FOSSIL RESOURCES: Chapter 3. The 21st century writing on the wall: the political cost of fuel and resource conflict: A world in denial: the disregard for limited reserves; Dwindling reserves versus worldwide growth in demand; Arming for the resource conflict; Resource reserves, gunboat diplomacy and the moral bankruptcy of society. Chapter 4. The distorting effects of fossil supply chains: The rise and fall of the fossil city; The fossil resource trap closes on the developing world; Chapter 5. The mythology of fossil energy: Figures of fancy: the inadequacy of conventional energy statistics; The inadequacy of energy forecasts; The profligate subsides for conventional energy systems; The feigned productivity of nuclear and fossil energy; Ideology and the physics of energy; The fear of the small scale. Part III. THROWING OFF THE FOSSIL SUPPLY CHAINS: Chapter 6. Energy beyond the grid: Wireless power: the potential of solar stand-alone and stand-by technologies; The potential for natural and technological solar energy storage; Synergistic applications, cross-substitution and all-load micro-power plants; The solar technology revolution and the solar information society. Chapter 7. The untapped wealth of solar resources: The higher productivity of biological materials; Replacing fossil with solar resources; Solar materials: from agricultural monocultures to polycultures; The real biotechnology: materials science, not genetic engineering. Chapter 8. The profitability of renewable energy and resources: Whose costs? Why solar and fossil resources cannot be compared on the basis of economic efficiency calculations; Cost avoidance: economical application of solar resources in a nutshell. PART IV. TOWARDS A SOLAR ECONOMY: Chapter 9. Exploiting solar energy: The role of capital allowances - and their problems; Tax-exempt status for solar resources: overcoming the legitimacy crisis of environmental taxation; Possibilities and problems in the market for green electricity; Green supplier and municipal self-sufficiency; Creative destruction in the energy industry and the transformation of the resource industry; Hard roads to soft resources; Chapter 10. Regionalization of the global economy through solar resources: Regionalization effects through solar resources; 'Own implementation' versus 'joint implementation': opportunities for the developing world; Regionalizing trade flows; The sustainable economy: global technology markets, regional commodity markets; Trade not talk; beyond the energy industry; Chapter 11. The visible hand of the sun: blueprint for a solar world: Forwards: towards the primacy economy; Work and the solar economy; From the bounty of the sun to global economic prosperity....(more)" |