schema:description | "内容記述: 1. INTRODUCTION: 1.1. Weather and Climate; 1.2. What Is Climate Variability and Climate Change?; 1.3. Connections, Timescales and Uncertainties; 2. RADIATION AND THE EARTH'S ENERGY BALANCE: 2.1. Solar and Terrestrial Radiation: 2.1.1. Radiation Laws; 2.1.2. Solar Radiation; 2.1.3. Terrestrial Radiation; 2.1.4. The Energy Balance of the Earth; 2.2. Solar Variability; 2.3. Summary; 3. THE ELEMENTS OF THE CLIMATE: 3.1. The Atmosphere and Oceans in Motion; 3.2. Atmospheric Circulation Patterns; 3.3. Radiation Balance; 3.4. The Hydrological Cycle; 3.5. The Biosphere; 3.6. Sustained Abnormal Weather Patterns; 3.7. Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions; 3.8. The Great Ocean Conveyor; 3.9. Summary; 4. EVIDENCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE: 4.1. Peering into the Abyss of Time; 4.2. Atmospheric Composition; 4.3. Sea Level Fluctuations; 4.4. The Ice Ages; 4.5. The End of the Last Ice Age; 4.6. The Holocene Climate Optimum; 4.7. Changes in Recorded History; 4.8. The Medieval Climatic Optimum; 4.9. The 'Little Ice Age'; 4.10. The Twentieth Century Warming; 4.11. Concluding Observations; 5. CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE: 5.1. Geological Consequences; 5.2. Flora and Fauna; 5.3. Mass Extinctions; 5.4. Glaciers, Ice Gaps, Ice Sheets and Sea Levels; 5.5. The Historical Impact of Climatic Variations; 5.6. Agriculture; 5.7. Spread of Diseases; 5.8. The Economic Impact of Extreme Weather Events; 5.9. Summary; 6.THE MEASUREMENT OF CLIMATIC CHANGE: 6.1. Instrumental Observations; 6.2. Satellite Measurements; 6.3. Historical Records; 6.4. Proxy Measurements: 6.4.1. Tree Rings; 6.4.2. Ice Cores; 6.4.3. Ocean Sediments; 6.4.4. Pollen Records; 6.4.5. Boreholes; 6.4.6. Other Proxy Measurements; 6.5. Dating; 6.6. Isotope Age Dating; 6.7. Summary; 7. STATISTICS, SIGNIFICANCE AND CYCLES: 7.1. Time Series, Sampling and Harmonic Analysis; 7.2. Noise; 7.3. Measures of Variability and Significance; 7.4. Smoothing; 7.5. Multidimensional Analysis; 7.6. Summary; 8. THE CAUSES OF CLIMATIC CHANGE: 8.1. Autovariance and Non-linearity; 8.2. Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions; 8.3. Ocean Currents; 8.4. Volcanoes; 8.5. Sunspots and Solar Activity; 8.6. Tidal Forces; 8.7. Orbital Variations; 8.8. Changes in Atmospheric: Composition; 8.9. Human Activities; 8.10. Catastrophes and the 'Nuclear Winter'; 8.11. Summary; 9. MODELLING THE CLIMATE: 9.1. Global Circulation Models; 9.2. Simulation of Climatic Variability; 9.3. The Challenges Facing Modellers: 9.3.1. Clouds; 9.3.2. Land-Surface Processes; 9.3.3. Winds, Waves and Currents; 9.3.4. Other Greenhouse Gases; 9.3.5. Exploitation of Numerical Weather Prediction; 9.4. Summary; 10. PREDICTING CLIMATE CHANGE: 10.1. Natural Variability; 10.2. Predicting Global Warming; 10.3. The Predicted Consequences of Global Warming; 10.4. When Will We Be Certain About Global Warming?; 10.5. Can We Do Anything About Climate Change?; 10.6. The Gaia Hypothesis....(more)" |