丹波忠守 - Japan Search model RDF

(There is only one resource "丹波忠守 (Agent)" with description graph. Other 8 resources are in nested tables, or just refer to the source resource and have no own description)


description of https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/chname/丹波忠守
rdf:type 2<https://jpsearch.go.jp/term/type/Agent>
schema:name 4"Tanba, Tadamori" @en
schema:name"タンバ タダモリ" @ja-kana
schema:name"たんば ただもり" @ja-hira
schema:name"丹波忠守" @ja
owl:sameAs 2<http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q11368575>
rdfs:isDefinedBy<https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/chname/> ( "chname namespace")
schema:birthDate<https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/time/1270> ( "1270年")
schema:deathDate<https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/time/1344> ( "1344年")
schema:description"1270?-1344, 鎌倉時代後期~南北朝時代初期の医師、官人、歌人。典薬頭・丹波長有の長男。官位は四位・宮内卿。勅撰集『玉葉和歌集』以下に11首入集"
20 triples ()

This resource "丹波忠守" is, in addition, simply-referenced by the following URIs. (The next table describes reverse link where the right and left columns represent the subject and the predicate respectively and whose object is this resource, in the source. These subjects have no other attribute in this source.)

Simply-referenced https://jpsearch.go.jp/entity/chname/丹波忠守
is owl:sameAs of 2<http://ja.dbpedia.org/resource/丹波忠守>
is owl:sameAs of<http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q11368575>
2 triples ()
22 triples