schema:tocEntry | "About the Editors. Contributors. Foreword by (Professor Peter E. Nathan). Preface. Note on the second edition. Part I. Basic Concepts and Theories. 1. Motivation and the Goal Theory of Current Concerns ( Eric Klinger and W. Miles Cox ). 2. Behavioral Economics: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications ( Christopher J. Correia, James G. Murphy, and Leon H. Butler ). 3. Personal Projects and Motivational Counseling: The Quality of Lives Reconsidered ( Brian R. Little ). 4. Goal Conflicts and Goal Integration: Theory, Assessment, and Clinical Implications ( Johannes Michalak, Thomas Heidenreich, and Jurgen Hoyer ). 5. Touching a Person's Essence: Using Implicit Motives as Personal Resources in Counseling ( Philipp Alsleben and Julius Kuhl ) . 6. A Motivational Model of Alcohol Use: Determinants of Use and Change ( W. Miles Cox and Eric Klinger ). Part II. Assessment and Relationships to Behavior. 7. Measuring Motivation: The Motivational Structure Questionnaire, Personal Concerns Inventory, and their Variants ( W. Miles Cox and Eric Klinger ). 8. The Motivational Structure Questionnaire, Personal Concerns Inventory, and Their Variants: Psychometric Properties ( Eric Klinger and W. Miles Cox ). 9. Volitional and Emotional Correlates of the Motivational Structure Questionnaire: Further Evidence for Construct Validity ( Nicola Baumann ). 10. Offenders' Motivation: Measurement, Structure, and Content ( Mary McMurran, Joselyn Sellen, and Jacqueline Campbell ). Part III. Systematic Motivational Counseling and Its Applications. 11. Systematic Motivational Counseling: From Motivational Assessment to Motivational Change ( W. Miles Cox and Eric Klinger ). 12. Systematic Motivational Counseling in Groups: Promoting Therapeutic Change through Client Interaction ( Arno Fuhrmann, Bernhard M. Schroer, and Renate de Jong-Meyer ). 13. Motivational Interventions for Substance Abusers with Psychiatric Illness ( Suzette Glasner-Edwards ). 14. Systematic Motivational Analysis as Part of a Self-Help Technique Aimed at Personal Goal Attainment ( Renate de Jong-Meyer ). 15. Systematic Motivational Counseling at Work: Improving Employee Performance, Satisfaction, and Socialization ( Loriann Roberson and David M. Sluss). 16. Cognitive and Motivational Retraining: Reciprocal Effects ( Javad Salehi Fadardi, Zohreh Sepehri Shamloo, and W. Miles Cox ). Part IV. Other Motivational Approaches to Changing Behavior. 17. Motivation in Sport: Theory and Application ( Kevin A. Stefanek and Heather J. Peters ). 18. The Elaboration of Positive Goal Perspectives (EPOS): An Intervention Module to Enhance Motivation ( Ulrike Willutzkiand Christoph Koban ). 19. Meaning-Centered Counseling and Therapy: An Integrative and Comprehensive Approach to Motivational Counseling and Addiction Treatment ( Paul T. P. Wong ). 20. Changing Alcohol Expectancies and Self-Efficacy Expectations ( Barry T. Jones and Ross McD. Young ). 21. The Drinker's Check-Up: A Brief Motivational Intervention for Early Stage Problem Drinkers ( Maria J. Emmen, Gerard M. Schippers, Gijs Bleijenberg, and Hub Wollersheim ). 22. Motivational Enhancement as a Brief Intervention for College Student Drinkers ( Arthur W. Blume and G. Alan Marlatt). 23. Community Reinforcement Approach and Contingency Management Interventions for Substance Abuse ( Maxine L. Stitzer, Conrad Wong, Hendree E. Jones, and Michelle Tuten) . 24. Goal-Setting as a Motivational Technique for Neurorehabilitation ( Siegfried Gauggel ). 25. Motivational Interviewing in Health Promotion and Behavioral Medicine ( Ken Resnicow and Stephen Rollnick ). Part V. Conclusions. 26. Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: A Toolkit for Motivational Counselors ( W. Miles Cox and Eric Klinger ). Index....(more)" |