4.6.3 Journal Component
Basic Definition | Formal Definition | Description| Example
Basic Definition
- Component Name
- Purpose
- Provide a grouping of component properties that describe a journal entry.
Formal Definition
A "VJOURNAL" calendar component is defined by the following notation: journalc = "BEGIN" ":" "VJOURNAL" CRLF jourprop "END" ":" "VJOURNAL" CRLF jourprop = *( ; the following are optional, ; but MUST NOT occur more than once class / created / description / dtstart / dtstamp / last-mod / organizer / recurid / seq / status / summary / uid / url / ; the following are optional, ; and MAY occur more than once attach / attendee / categories / comment / contact / exdate / exrule / related / rdate / rrule / rstatus / x-prop )
A "VJOURNAL" calendar component is a grouping of component properties that represent one or more descriptive text notes associated with a particular calendar date. The "DTSTART" property is used to specify the calendar date that the journal entry is associated with. Generally, it will have a DATE value data type, but it can also be used to specify a DATE-TIME value data type. Examples of a journal entry include a daily record of a legislative body or a journal entry of individual telephone contacts for the day or an ordered list of accomplishments for the day. The "VJOURNAL" calendar component can also be used to associate a document with a calendar date.
The "VJOURNAL" calendar component does not take up time on a calendar. Hence, it does not play a role in free or busy time searches - - it is as though it has a time transparency value of TRANSPARENT. It is transparent to any such searches.
The "VJOURNAL" calendar component cannot be nested within another calendar component. However, "VJOURNAL" calendar components can be related to each other or to a "VEVENT" or to a "VTODO" calendar component, with the "RELATED-TO" property.
The following is an example of the "VJOURNAL" calendar component: BEGIN:VJOURNAL UID:19970901T130000Z-123405@host.com DTSTAMP:19970901T1300Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:19970317 SUMMARY:Staff meeting minutes DESCRIPTION:1. Staff meeting: Participants include Joe\, Lisa and Bob. Aurora project plans were reviewed. There is currently no budget reserves for this project. Lisa will escalate to management. Next meeting on Tuesday.\n 2. Telephone Conference: ABC Corp. sales representative called to discuss new printer. Promised to get us a demo by Friday.\n 3. Henry Miller (Handsoff Insurance): Car was totaled by tree. Is looking into a loaner car. 654-2323 (tel). END:VJOURNAL