General information on Japan
It is surprising for us that many people in the world cannot tell where Japan is located. Look, the red islands on the map above is Japan (We use this type of arrangement for world map, which puts Pacific Ocean the center so that our country comes near the center of the globe).
This page includes data of: - Area - Climate - Population - Currency - GNP/GDP - Int'l Balance - (most data as of 1997 - sorry for not updating)
And, here comes a map of Japan.
- Area:
total area: 377,812 sq km
extension: approx. 3000 km
islands: roughly 7000
latitudes: 20°25'N to 45°33', 35°40' in Tokyo
comparative area: slightly smaller than California - Climate:
Since Japan extends a long distance from south to north, it varies from subtropical to subarctic. Average temparature in Tokyo is 5.2 °C in January while 27.1 °C in August.
Seasonal conditions (in Tokyo area):- sometimes snow in winter
- mild in spring
- rainy in June to July (baiu)
- humid and hot in summer
- typhoon in Septemer to October
- cool in autumn
- Terrain:
mostly rugged and mountainous:
- 53% mountains
- 7% volcanic
- 11% hills
- 4% piedmont
- 12% plateau
- 13% lowland
- Population:
125,034 thousands (Oct. 1994)
- Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 79.31 years
male: 76.47 years
female: 82.28 years (1994 est.) - Currency:
yen (¥)
- Exchange rates:
yen (¥) per US$1 - around 120 (March 1997), 105.84 (January 1996), 94.06 (1995), 102.21 (1994), 111.20 (1993), 126.65 (1992), 134.71 (1991), 144.79 (1990), 137.96 (1989)
- GNP & GDP:
Calendar 1996 (QE base)
N-GNP: 505,813 billion yen
R-GNP: 483,086 billion yen
N-GDP: 500,356 billion yen
R-GDP: 477,871 billion yen
(N- stands for nominal, R- for real) - International Balance of Payments (1994):
Current balance 129,140 Trade balance 145,944 Exports 384,176 Imports 238,232 Invisible balance -9,296 Transfer balance -7,508 Long-term capital -82,037 Basic balance 47,103 Short-term capital -8,897 Errors/omissions -17,778 Overall balance 20,428
Statistics Bureau of Japan and Japan Information Network's statistic pages are good source of extensive data. Also, see Facts and Figures of The World Fact Book 1996 for more information.
Also, see Japan Links of this site for more related links.