has broader transitive - Japan Search model RDF

Resources described in this source:

(Other 3 resources are in nested tables, or just refer to the source resource and have no own description)

has broader transitive

description of skos:broaderTransitive
rdf:type 3owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:label"has broader transitive" @en
rdfs:label"has narrower transitive" @en
owl:inverseOfskos:broaderTransitive (☞ has broader transitive)
rdfs:subPropertyOfskos:semanticRelation ( "is in semantic relation with"@en)
skos:definition"skos:broaderTransitive is a transitive superproperty of skos:broader."
skos:scopeNote"By convention, skos:broaderTransitive is not used to make assertions. Rather, the properties can be used to draw inferences about the transitive closure of the hierarchical relation, which is useful e.g. when implementing a simple query expansion algorithm in a search application....(more)" @en
13 triples ()


description of skos:broader
rdfs:subPropertyOfskos:broaderTransitive (☞ has broader transitive)
1 triples ()
14 triples