has exact match - Japan Search model RDF

(There is only one resource "has exact match (ObjectProperty)" with description graph. Other 2 resources are in nested tables, or just refer to the source resource and have no own description)

has exact match

description of skos:exactMatch
rdf:type 4owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:label"has exact match" @en
rdfs:comment"skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch." @en
rdfs:subPropertyOfskos:closeMatch ( "has close match"@en)
skos:definition"skos:exactMatch is used to link two concepts, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably across a wide range of information retrieval applications. skos:exactMatch is a transitive property, and is a sub-property of skos:closeMatch....(more)" @en
11 triples ()
11 triples