is top concept in scheme etc. - Japan Search model RDF

Resources described in this source:

(Other 3 resources are in nested tables, or just refer to the source resource and have no own description)

is top concept in scheme

description of skos:topConceptOf
rdfs:label"is top concept in scheme" @en
owl:inverseOfskos:hasTopConcept (☞ has top concept)
2 triples ()

has top concept

description of skos:hasTopConcept
rdf:type 2owl:ObjectProperty
rdfs:label"has top concept" @en
owl:inverseOfskos:topConceptOf (☞ is top concept in sche...)
rdfs:domainskos:ConceptScheme ( "Concept Scheme"@en)
skos:definition"Relates, by convention, a concept scheme to a concept which is topmost in the broader/narrower concept hierarchies for that scheme, providing an entry point to these hierarchies....(more)" @en
11 triples ()
13 triples