Recurrence Rule
Basic Definition | Description| | Example
Basic Definition
- Property Name
- Purpose
- This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for recurring events, to-dos, or time zone definitions.
- Value Type
- Property Parameters
- Non-standard property parameters can be specified on this property.
- Conformance
- This property can be specified one or more times in recurring "VEVENT", "VTODO" and "VJOURNAL" calendar components. It can also be specified once in each STANDARD or DAYLIGHT sub-component of the "VTIMEZONE" calendar component.
The recurrence rule, if specified, is used in computing the recurrence set. The recurrence set is the complete set of recurrence instances for a calendar component. The recurrence set is generated by considering the initial "DTSTART" property along with the "RRULE", "RDATE", "EXDATE" and "EXRULE" properties contained within the iCalendar object. The "DTSTART" property defines the first instance in the recurrence set. Multiple instances of the "RRULE" and "EXRULE" properties can also be specified to define more sophisticated recurrence sets. The final recurrence set is generated by gathering all of the start date/times generated by any of the specified "RRULE" and "RDATE" properties, and excluding any start date/times which fall within the union of start date/times generated by any specified "EXRULE" and "EXDATE" properties. This implies that start date/times within exclusion related properties (i.e., "EXDATE" and "EXRULE") take precedence over those specified by inclusion properties (i.e., "RDATE" and "RRULE"). Where duplicate instances are generated by the "RRULE" and "RDATE" properties, only one recurrence is considered. Duplicate instances are ignored.
The "DTSTART" and "DTEND" property pair or "DTSTART" and "DURATION" property pair, specified within the iCalendar object defines the first instance of the recurrence. When used with a recurrence rule, the "DTSTART" and "DTEND" properties MUST be specified in local time and the appropriate set of "VTIMEZONE" calendar components MUST be included. For detail on the usage of the "VTIMEZONE" calendar component, see the "VTIMEZONE" calendar component definition.
Any duration associated with the iCalendar object applies to all members of the generated recurrence set. Any modified duration for specific recurrences MUST be explicitly specified using the "RDATE" property.
Format Definition
This property is defined by the following notation: rrule = "RRULE" rrulparam ":" recur CRLF rrulparam = *(";" xparam)
All examples assume the Eastern United States time zone. Daily for 10 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2-11 Daily until December 24, 1997: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=19971224T000000Z ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2-30;October 1-25 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 26-31;November 1-30;December 1-23 Every other day - forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September2,4,6,8...24,26,28,30; October 2,4,6...20,22,24 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 26,28,30;November 1,3,5,7...25,27,29; Dec 1,3,... Every 10 days, 5 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=10;COUNT=5 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,12,22;October 2,12 Everyday in January, for 3 years: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19980101T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;UNTIL=20000131T090000Z; BYMONTH=1;BYDAY=SU,MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA or RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20000131T090000Z;BYMONTH=1 ==> (1998 9:00 AM EDT)January 1-31 (1999 9:00 AM EDT)January 1-31 (2000 9:00 AM EDT)January 1-31 Weekly for 10 occurrences DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=10 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,9,16,23,30;October 7,14,21 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 28;November 4 Weekly until December 24, 1997 DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=19971224T000000Z ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,9,16,23,30;October 7,14,21 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 28;November 4,11,18,25; December 2,9,16,23 Every other week - forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;WKST=SU ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,16,30;October 14 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 28;November 11,25;December 9,23 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 6,20;February ... Weekly on Tuesday and Thursday for 5 weeks: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=19971007T000000Z;WKST=SU;BYDAY=TU,TH or RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=10;WKST=SU;BYDAY=TU,TH ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,4,9,11,16,18,23,25,30;October 2 Every other week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday until December 24, 1997, but starting on Tuesday, September 2, 1997: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;UNTIL=19971224T000000Z;WKST=SU; BYDAY=MO,WE,FR ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,3,5,15,17,19,29;October 1,3,13,15,17 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 27,29,31;November 10,12,14,24,26,28; December 8,10,12,22 Every other week on Tuesday and Thursday, for 8 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=8;WKST=SU;BYDAY=TU,TH ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,4,16,18,30;October 2,14,16 Monthly on the 1st Friday for ten occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970905T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=10;BYDAY=1FR ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 5;October 3 (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 7;Dec 5 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 2;February 6;March 6;April 3 (1998 9:00 AM EDT)May 1;June 5 Monthly on the 1st Friday until December 24, 1997: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970905T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;UNTIL=19971224T000000Z;BYDAY=1FR ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 5;October 3 (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 7;December 5 Every other month on the 1st and last Sunday of the month for 10 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970907T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=10;BYDAY=1SU,-1SU ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 7,28 (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 2,30 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 4,25;March 1,29 (1998 9:00 AM EDT)May 3,31 Monthly on the second to last Monday of the month for 6 months: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970922T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=6;BYDAY=-2MO ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 22;October 20 (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 17;December 22 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 19;February 16 Monthly on the third to the last day of the month, forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970928T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTHDAY=-3 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 28 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 29;November 28;December 29 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 29;February 26 ... Monthly on the 2nd and 15th of the month for 10 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=10;BYMONTHDAY=2,15 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,15;October 2,15 (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 2,15;December 2,15 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 2,15 Monthly on the first and last day of the month for 10 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970930T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=10;BYMONTHDAY=1,-1 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 30;October 1 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 31;November 1,30;December 1,31 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 1,31;February 1 Every 18 months on the 10th thru 15th of the month for 10 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970910T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=18;COUNT=10;BYMONTHDAY=10,11,12,13,14, 15 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 10,11,12,13,14,15 (1999 9:00 AM EST)March 10,11,12,13 Every Tuesday, every other month: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=TU ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 2,9,16,23,30 (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 4,11,18,25 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 6,13,20,27;March 3,10,17,24,31 ... Yearly in June and July for 10 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970610T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;COUNT=10;BYMONTH=6,7 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10 (1998 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10 (1999 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10 (2000 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10 (2001 9:00 AM EDT)June 10;July 10 Note: Since none of the BYDAY, BYMONTHDAY or BYYEARDAY components are specified, the day is gotten from DTSTART Every other year on January, February, and March for 10 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970310T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=10;BYMONTH=1,2,3 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EST)March 10 (1999 9:00 AM EST)January 10;February 10;March 10 (2001 9:00 AM EST)January 10;February 10;March 10 (2003 9:00 AM EST)January 10;February 10;March 10 Every 3rd year on the 1st, 100th and 200th day for 10 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970101T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=3;COUNT=10;BYYEARDAY=1,100,200 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EST)January 1 (1997 9:00 AM EDT)April 10;July 19 (2000 9:00 AM EST)January 1 (2000 9:00 AM EDT)April 9;July 18 (2003 9:00 AM EST)January 1 (2003 9:00 AM EDT)April 10;July 19 (2006 9:00 AM EST)January 1 Every 20th Monday of the year, forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970519T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=20MO ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)May 19 (1998 9:00 AM EDT)May 18 (1999 9:00 AM EDT)May 17 ... Monday of week number 20 (where the default start of the week is Monday), forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970512T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYWEEKNO=20;BYDAY=MO ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)May 12 (1998 9:00 AM EDT)May 11 (1999 9:00 AM EDT)May 17 ... Every Thursday in March, forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970313T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=TH ==> (1997 9:00 AM EST)March 13,20,27 (1998 9:00 AM EST)March 5,12,19,26 (1999 9:00 AM EST)March 4,11,18,25 ... Every Thursday, but only during June, July, and August, forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970605T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=TH;BYMONTH=6,7,8 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)June 5,12,19,26;July 3,10,17,24,31; August 7,14,21,28 (1998 9:00 AM EDT)June 4,11,18,25;July 2,9,16,23,30; August 6,13,20,27 (1999 9:00 AM EDT)June 3,10,17,24;July 1,8,15,22,29; August 5,12,19,26 ... Every Friday the 13th, forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 EXDATE;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=FR;BYMONTHDAY=13 ==> (1998 9:00 AM EST)February 13;March 13;November 13 (1999 9:00 AM EDT)August 13 (2000 9:00 AM EDT)October 13 ... The first Saturday that follows the first Sunday of the month, forever: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970913T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=SA;BYMONTHDAY=7,8,9,10,11,12,13 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 13;October 11 (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 8;December 13 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 10;February 7;March 7 (1998 9:00 AM EDT)April 11;May 9;June 13... ... Every four years, the first Tuesday after a Monday in November, forever (U.S. Presidential Election day): DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19961105T090000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=4;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=TU;BYMONTHDAY=2,3,4, 5,6,7,8 ==> (1996 9:00 AM EST)November 5 (2000 9:00 AM EST)November 7 (2004 9:00 AM EST)November 2 ... The 3rd instance into the month of one of Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, for the next 3 months: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970904T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;COUNT=3;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH;BYSETPOS=3 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 4;October 7 (1997 9:00 AM EST)November 6 The 2nd to last weekday of the month: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970929T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR;BYSETPOS=-2 ==> (1997 9:00 AM EDT)September 29 (1997 9:00 AM EST)October 30;November 27;December 30 (1998 9:00 AM EST)January 29;February 26;March 30 ... Every 3 hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on a specific day: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=3;UNTIL=19970902T170000Z ==> (September 2, 1997 EDT)09:00,12:00,15:00 Every 15 minutes for 6 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15;COUNT=6 ==> (September 2, 1997 EDT)09:00,09:15,09:30,09:45,10:00,10:15 Every hour and a half for 4 occurrences: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=90;COUNT=4 ==> (September 2, 1997 EDT)09:00,10:30;12:00;13:30 Every 20 minutes from 9:00 AM to 4:40 PM every day: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970902T090000 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16;BYMINUTE=0,20,40 or RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=20;BYHOUR=9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 ==> (September 2, 1997 EDT)9:00,9:20,9:40,10:00,10:20, ... 16:00,16:20,16:40 (September 3, 1997 EDT)9:00,9:20,9:40,10:00,10:20, ...16:00,16:20,16:40 ... An example where the days generated makes a difference because of WKST: DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970805T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU;WKST=MO ==> (1997 EDT)Aug 5,10,19,24 changing only WKST from MO to SU, yields different results... DTSTART;TZID=US-Eastern:19970805T090000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=4;BYDAY=TU,SU;WKST=SU ==> (1997 EDT)August 5,17,19,31