RDF関連メモ on Planet masaka : 201012
Planet masakaから2010年12月のRDF/セマンティック・ウェブ関連メモを抽出してまとめたものです。
- @LeeFeigenbaum No. re bothered if the #SPARQL 1.1 Protocol was defined as HTTP-only (original post at 10:33)
- Google DataWiki and RDF http://lists.w3.org/Archives... Googleの“Wikiで構造化データ”というプロジェクトが、来年1月のミーティングでRDF追加を検討すると (original post at 23:08)
- jQuery SPARQL [GitHub]
jQuery SPARQL provides a DSL for programmatically constructing SPARQL queries against some endpoint. It uses the same 'monadic' style that is used by jQuery, Raphael, Protovis and other popular Javascript libraries to allow queries to be manipulated as first-class objects. The main aim of the library is to eliminate messy string manipulations to produce and execute well-formed queries - by jgeldart, 2010-12-09 (original post at 12:09)
- SPIN Modeling Vocabulary
The SPIN Modeling Vocabulary is a light-weight collection of RDF properties and classes to support the use of SPARQL to specify rules and logical constraints - 2009-10-20 (original post at 01:52) - SPIN - SPARQL Inferencing Notation
SPIN is the de-facto industry standard to represent SPARQL rules and constraints on Semantic Web models. SPIN also provides meta-modeling capabilities that allow users to define their own SPARQL functions and query templates. Finally, SPIN includes a ready to use library of common functions - 2009-10-20 (original post at 01:29)
- NOR2O – a Library for Transforming Non-Ontological Resources to Ontologies
NOR2O is a library for transforming non-ontological resources to ontologies. The library performs an ETL process (original post at 11:37) - XLWrap – Spreadsheet-to-RDF Wrapper
XLWrap is a spreadsheet-to-RDF wrapper which is capable of transforming spreadsheets to arbitrary RDF graphs based on a mapping specification. It supports Microsoft Excel and OpenDocument spreadsheets such as comma- (and tab-) separated value (CSV) files and it can load local files or download remote files via HTTP (original post at 11:35)
- Linked Open Data star badges http://lab.linkeddata.deri.i... TimBLがLODの5つ星ランキングを提唱したのを受けて、ウェブページ用バッヂアイコンが。段階は公開ライセンス→機械可読→公開フォーマット→RDF/URI→他データへのリンク (original post at 23:04)
- RDF/OWL入門の韓国語訳の見本が届いた。ずいぶん前に出版契約だけして忘れてたよ…ってか奥付では2008年出版になってるんですけど?? http://www.aladin.co.kr/shop... (original post at 12:52)