RDF関連メモ on Planet masaka : 2011-01
Planet masakaから2011年1月のRDF/セマンティック・ウェブ関連メモを抽出してまとめたものです。
- hmm, "A Developer's Guide to the Semantic Web" has an example of owl:versionIRI as datatype property, a consequence of a misleading label (original post at 12:30)
- ははぁ、RDFとはReality distortion field(現実歪曲空間)なわけね (original post at 01:06)
- How do I know/model the applied version of an ontology specification? http://www.semanticoverflow.... データ記述に用いたオントロジーのバージョンを示す方法について。同じ件を思案中なので注目しておく (original post at 10:57)
- セマンティック・ウェブやLODの説明は「型付リンク」から入ると理解されやすい。"start from html w/ href, then typed link being href + rel, then how that's a triple" @webr3 on swml (original post at 10:20)
- Internet World mail interview with Tim Berners-Lee
By the "understanding" part I assume you are talking about putting more machine-understandable semantics into the web. This will start with typed links -- we have been prototyping a discussion system for example with the WIT (W3 Interactive Talk) experiment. This addition of semantics is going to be essential if computers are to more of the work for us in manipulating this web, as at the moment it's only people who can read it - by TimBL, 1994 (original post at 10:11)
- Elda [Google Code]
a quick-start for Elda is a java implementation of the Linked Data API (LDA) by Epimorphics Ltd (original post at 00:31)
- SWEET Ontologies
SWEET (Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology) ontologies are written in the OWL ontology language and are publicly available. SWEET 2.1 is highly modular with 6000 concepts in 200 separate ontologies - by NASA (original post at 22:51)
- 新RDF WG http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/ 現在の実装に悪影響を与えない範囲でRDFの更新・機能追加を検討する。Turtle/JSON構文、名前付グラフの標準化、RDF意味論の再整備、コンテナ非推奨化など。2013-01の勧告目標(☞@_masaka) (original post at 11:07)
- The Growth of Linked Data http://rww.to/hj7JiV データの視覚化という切り口でLOD Cloudを取り上げたRRWの記事。今年さらに2倍になっても不思議ではないと (original post at 22:47)
- DBpedia 3.6 released http://blog.dbpedia.org/2011... 2010-10/11版Wikipediaに基づいて350万以上の"thing"をRDF化。いくつかのプロパティの名前空間が変更になっているので、利用アプリケーションは注意 (original post at 22:55)
- MODS、MADS、METS、MARCXML、SRUのMIMEメディアタイプ(application/mods+xmlなど)がIESGで承認された。これからRFCが発行されてIANA登録へ。http://datatracker.ietf.org/... (original post at 12:04)
- Linked Data/RDF/SPARQL Documentation Challenge http://memespring.co.uk/2011... LODとかOGDとか言ってもプログラマが普通にデータを使うためのドキュメントがなければダメダメ、と啖呵を切ってちょっと話題の記事 (original post at 00:25)
- Provenance Vocabulary - trdf
The Provenance Vocabulary enables providers of Web data to publish provenance-related metadata about their data. The XML Namespace URIs for the vocabulary are: Core Ontology, Types Module, Files Module, Integrity Verification Module (original post at 21:50) - best practices to use a rdfs:seeAlso link http://lists.w3.org/Archives... TimBLが現在の実装を尊重してseeAlsoのリンク先はRDFデータであるべきだと発言し、それをめぐって侃侃諤諤@public-lod (original post at 01:00)
- "What is the difference between entailment and inference?" "My reasoner was not able to infer that bloody entailment!" http://www.semanticoverflow.... (original post at 23:06)
- EulerGUI project
EulerGUI started as a GUI for the EulerSharp.sourceforge.net Euler/SEM/EYE reasoning engine, and still is. The sources can be N3 (Notation 3), RDF, or OWL, UML, eCore, plain XML, XML Schema, files or URL's, SPARQL queries. Internally everything is expressed in the convergence language N3, that allows to express facts, classes and properties, and rules. It is becoming a lightweight IDE for Artificial Intelligence - by Jean-Marc Vanel (original post at 13:32) - Documenting SPARQL extension functions http://lists.w3.org/Archives... 拡張関数URIにecmascriptをリクエストするとJSソースを返す案。関連:TimBLのフラグメントID解釈 http://lists.w3.org/Archives... (original post at 12:19)
- 住所の表現をめぐるlod-mlスレッドの中で、TimBL曰く《vCardは(社会的実体を表現する)グラフのノードではなく、グラフを保持するRDF文書の方にうまくマップできると思う》http://lists.w3.org/Archives...(カードと人の議論にも関連☞@_masaka) (original post at 10:26)
- XML5 [Anne’s Blog]
in line with recent “jokes” about HTTP5, SVG5, and CSS5, XML5 makes perfect sense. The idea of XML5 is to provide a revision of XML 1.0, XML 1.1, Namespaces in XML 1.0, Namespaces in XML 1.1, and RFC 3023, that is backwards compatible and introduces HTML-like, although much more sane, error recovery - by Anne van Kesteren, 2007-10-23 (original post at 16:04)
- Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2010 http://rww.to/fX7B52 見落としてた。Freebase、GetGlue、Flipboard、Hunch、Apture、Facebook、Google Squared、Best Buy... (original post at 11:00)