RDF関連メモ on Planet masaka : 2011-04
Planet masakaから2011年4月のRDF/セマンティック・ウェブ関連メモを抽出してまとめたものです。
- URI Fragment Identifiers for the text/csv Media Type http://tools.ietf.org/html/d... CSVファイル内のフラグメント識別子をdata.csv#row:2などの形で定義しようという案。CSVを#LODに組み込める (original post at 21:01)
- こんなの出てたのか。RFC 3536bis Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF http://datatracker.ietf.org/... (original post at 11:55)
- Stats2RDF [AKSW Projects]
in these biomedical datasets, a single statistical value is described in several dimensions. Thus a simple row-based transformation is not possible. Therefore, we used The RDF Data Cube vocabulary for the conversion as it is designed particularly to represent multidimensional statistical data using RDF - by Amrapali J. Zaveri, 2011-03 (original post at 23:22)
- The Media Types application/mods+xml, mads, mets, marcxml, sru+xml http://tools.ietf.org/html/r... MIMEメディアタイプが正式にRFC 6207として公開(☞@_masaka) (original post at 08:57)
- @takechan2000 ありがとうございます。しばらく無力感に呆然としていましたが、Nature読んではっとしました。モデルはRDF Data Cubeも考えたのですが、シンプルなほうが使いやすいかと。リンクする利点が何らかの形で見えてくればと思います (original post at 12:11)
- National Radioactivity Stat as Linked Data http://www.kanzaki.com/works... Natureは「日本当局は素データの提供はよくやっているがメタデータが欠如」と指摘する。ならばRDF化することにも意味はあるか。諸賢のご意見をぜひ (original post at 20:17)
- The RDF Data Cube vocabulary
The model underpinning the Data Cube vocabulary is compatible with the cube model that underlies SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange), an ISO standard for exchanging and sharing statistical data and metadata among organizations. The Data Cube vocabulary is a core foundation which supports extension vocabularies to enable publication of other aspects of statistical data flows (original post at 22:12) - The Statistical Core Vocabulary (scovo)
lets you describe statistical information on the Web of Data. Three basic concepts are used: a dataset, representing the container of some data, such as a table holding some data in its cells; a data item, representing a single piece of data (e.g. a cell in a table); a dimension, representing some kind of unit of a single piece of data (for example a time period, location, etc.) (original post at 22:11)
- Changes to VIAF's RDF http://outgoing.typepad.com/... ID型URIに'#'で連結したラベルURIを廃止;ID型URIの識別対象を、各国典拠にリンクするクラスタから主実体(foaf/rdaEnt:Person)に、などモデルを変更 (original post at 23:07)
- Visual Data Web + SemLens http://www.visualdataweb.org... RDFデータの視覚化。デモ版あり。たとえばDBpediaのカテゴリクラスからAirports in Japanを選んで緯度経度でxy軸上に表示したりできる。結構面白いかも (original post at 23:16)
- (LOV) Linked Open Vocabularies
The LOV dataset contains the description of RDFS vocabularies or OWL ontologies defined for and used by datasets in the Linked Data Cloud. Whenever available each vocabulary includes references to the datasets using it, in particular those listed in CKAN (original post at 10:18)
- Spyder
a free tool to convert relational data to RDF. It implements R2RML ... Spyder provides a SPARQL 1.1 endpoint for relational data and is designed to be a core component of a federated SPARQL based analytic capability (original post at 10:17)
- ripple: Semantic Web Scripting Language
Ripple programs not only query the Semantic Web, but also reside within it as RDF data structures, forming a global network of interlinked programs. Ripple is best classified as a relational stack language, closely related to functional stack languages such as Joy, Factor and Cat. As a Semantic Web interface, Ripple is a fast, text-based linked data crawler and browser with all of the flexibility of a Turing-complete programming language - by Joshua Shinavier, 2007 (original post at 18:47) - Submission request to W3C: SPARQL Inferencing Notation (SPIN)
this notation makes it possible to link RDFS/OWL classes with rules and constraints that formalize the semantics of the instances of those classes. Generic SPARQL engines can be used to execute those rules and constraints... also provides a vocabulary to describe executable SPARQL functions... includes a mechanism to formalize and share SPARQL query templates. These templates make it possible to build higher level modeling languages from reusable building blocks - W3C Member Submission, 2011-02-22 (original post at 18:38)