RDF関連メモ on Planet masaka : 2008-09
Planet masakaから2008年9月のRDF/セマンティック・ウェブ関連メモを抽出してまとめたものです。
- umm, "oguid:identical property can apply to RDF classes or instances. A class can be declared as identical to an instance" sounds dangerous (original post at 18:03)
- Semantic Proxy
ウェブページから意味データを抽出するReuterのサービス。主として固有名だが、一般名も。とりあえず英語のみ (original post at 10:53) - Thomson Reuters bootstraps Semantic Web of Linked Data with SemanticProxy [ZDNet.com]
Built on top of Calais and scalably hosted on Amazon’s EC2 service, the new site at SemanticProxy.com enables anyone to easily generate rich semantic metadata for pages on the open web, will enable a real growth in the availability of Linkable Data - by Paul Miller, 2008-09-23 (original post at 10:45)
- What’s wrong with vocabularies on the Semantic Web? [Tripletalk]
we can finally state with confidence that the approach we followed so far (of having no particular approach) did not produce the results we expected. Here is a list of things that would need urgent fixing - by Peter Mika, 2008-09-22 (original post at 21:53)
- SPARQL By Example
A comprehensible tutorial of SPARQL with useful examples, as XHTML slide - by Lee Feigenbaum, 2008-09-09 (original post at 21:55)
- Why mockups are essential for designing semantic applications [The Semantic Puzzle]
how can we communicate these potential benefits to a typical end-user who has never heard about "faceted search" before - which doesn't mean that he or she wouldn't love intelligent user interfaces if they were in place? One answer lies in using mockups - by Andreas Blumauer, 2008-09-18 (original post at 00:38)
- How is the Semantic Web like Open Hypermedia? [the hoos-foos muse]
Open Hypermedia was a pre-web idea that arose in the early 1990's and at its heart was the idea that you should seperate content and structure...the issue is that OH holds the link model as sacred. The model is pushed up into the User Interface, and down into the Database, but in reality it is not a comfortable fit in either - by Dave Millard, 2008-09-16 (original post at 17:29) - SPARQL from command line: curl -F 'query=SELECT ...' endpoint_uri (via public-lod) (original post at 11:14)
- Semantics + Google = SemantiFind
プラグインでGoogle検索の入力を補助しても、インデクスがそのままじゃ「セマンティック検索」は無理でしょ (original post at 10:09)
- Cognition Announces "World's Largest Semantic Map
セマンティック検索にはPowersetやHakiaもあるが、意味マップの規模の大きさが特徴だそうだ (original post at 20:01) - Cognition :: Giving Technologies New Meaning
Semantic Map, which it built over the past 24 years, can be used in support of the Semantic Web for semantic search, search tools, business analytics, machine translation, document search, context search etc (original post at 18:44)
- doubts the usage of Classes in "Representing Content in RDF" WD, e.g. Base64Content, TextContent etc (original post at 13:14)
- Linked Data, Ubiquity Commands, and Resource Descriptions
Ubiquity from Mozilla Labs, provides an alternative entry point for experiencing the "Controller" aspect of the Web's natural compatibility with the MVC development pattern - by Kingsley Idehen, 2008-09-05 (Update 3) (original post at 00:38)
The Summer Intensive Class teaching XHTML, CSS, XML, RDF and XSLT (at 14:00)
- 第3日終了。XMLとRDFとXSLT。かなりお腹いっぱいだったか。しかし、RDFの利用方法についていろいろ質問が出たのは大きな進歩だ (original post at 16:54)